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Ambassador for Maritime and Polar Affairs of France visits Ningbo with his delegation

发布日期:2024-04-11 访问次数: 信息来源:市外办 字号:[ ]

On April 5, Mr. Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, Special Envoy of the President of France to the United Nations Ocean Conference and Ambassador for Maritime and Polar Affairs of France, visited Ningbo with his delegation. Mr. Joan Valadou, Consul General of France in Shanghai, accompanied the ambassador on the visit.



During their stay in Ningbo, the delegation visited the Meishan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port, listened to the introduction of the port development, and attended the seminar to exchange ideas with heads of the Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group on matters including strengthening port-shipping cooperation and participating in the port conference. The delegation also visited the China Port Museum. The ambassador said that as the President of the French National Navy Museum, he was willing to promote the friendly exchanges between the two museums.

Mr. JIAO Shuanglin, Deputy Director-General of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, accompanied the ambassador on the visit.

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