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The Awarding Ceremony of the 2024 Ningbo and Friendship Cities Children's Painting Exhibition is successfully held

发布日期:2024-07-25 访问次数: 信息来源:市外办(市港澳办) 字号:[ ]


On the morning of July 11, the Awarding Ceremony of the 2024 Ningbo and Friendship Cities Children's Painting Exhibition was held in Ningbo Children's Library. This Exhibition was hosted by Ningbo Library, and sponsored by Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio Television and Tourism, Foreign Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government, and Ningbo Municipal People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.


Since being held for the first time in 2021, the Ningbo and Friendship Cities Children's Painting Exhibition has been held consecutively for 4 times. With the theme of "Green@Future", the 2024 Exhibition demonstrated the idea of promoting green development and harmonious co-existence between man and nature. Since the collection of paintings, this Exhibition was actively participated by Ningbo's international friendship cities, organizations, libraries of Ningbo's districts, counties and county-level cities, and art organizations. A total of 1,015 paintings was received, including 369 foreign paintings and 646 domestic paintings. The participants were from 15 cities in 13 countries including China, Ecuador, France, Poland and so on, covering Asia, America, Africa and Europe. Finally, 170 outstanding paintings from Ningbo and its international friendship cities received awards, including 62 foreign paintings.


Ms. Marciana Valdivieso, Mayor of Manta, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech as the representative of the award-winning international friendship cities.


Mr. YE Rongzhong, Secretary of Party Leadership Group of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office and Level Ⅰ Bureau Rank Official, and Mr. XU Leping, Deputy Director-General of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, attended the meeting.

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