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The Joint Conference on Management of Ningbo Liaison Office in Central and Eastern European Countries holds a meeting for liaisons

发布日期:2024-07-29 访问次数: 信息来源:市外办(市港澳办) 字号:[ ]

On July 17, the Joint Conference on Management of Ningbo Liaison Office in Central and Eastern European Countries held a meeting for liaisons. Mr. JIAO Shuanglin, Deputy Director General of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, attended and presided over the meeting.

In the meeting, the member units of the Joint Conference spoke about their work in the management of the liaison offices and participation of cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries from January to June this year, and listened to the report on the preparation of the 4th China-CEEC Expo. During the meeting, the attendants also discussed matters on the next work plans of the liaison offices and the plan to host Overseas Ningbo Week.


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