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The delegation from Matola, Mozambique visits Ningbo

发布日期:2024-08-13 访问次数: 信息来源:市外办(市港澳办) 字号:[ ]

At the invitation of enterprises in Ningbo, Mr. Júlio José Parruque, Mayor of Matola, Mozambique, visited Ningbo with a delegation of 8 colleagues from August 4 to 8. During their stay in Ningbo, the delegation visited Ningbo Zhoushan Port, Ningbo City Exhibition Hall, and enterprises including Roaby Group and Sellers Union Group.

On the morning of August 6, Ms. BAO Xianping, Director-General of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, met with Mayor Parruque and his delegation in Ningbo Administrative Conference Center, and discussed matters related to conducting economic, trade and cultural exchanges. Mr. JIAO Shuanglin, Deputy Director-General of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, attended the meeting.



As the capital of Maputo Province, Mozambique, Matola is an important port and industrial city. The city covers an area of 373 square kilometers and has a population of 1.3 million. With industry as the pillar of Matola's economy, the city has the largest industrial park within the country.

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